Everything You Must Know About Obtaining Pepper Spray


Whether you've ever bitten into a chili pepper and along with the burning on orally, found your own eyes and nose trimming and watering. Then you've experienced a sample of the sensations which pepper spray could create.

Pepper Spray UK vs Criminal Identifier Spray – The Ideal Choice For Self-Defense. Before we go on, let us get some definitions out of the way:


• Oleoresin - A naturally occurring mixture of oil and resin extracted from plants. Any of various tropical American pepper plants of the genus Capsicum. Notably any of the many developed types of the species C. annuum and C. frutescence. 2. The fruit of any of these plants, especially the dried pungent types used as a condiment and in medicine.

• Capsaicin - A colorless, pungent, crystalline compound, C18H27NO3, which comes from capsicum and is still a very strong irritant to skin and mucous membranes.

The pungent "Spicy" heat in berries comes from naturally occurring chemical analogues called Capsaicinoids. Most OC sprays comprise a infusion from antioxidants that are natural. Capsaicinoids will also be manufactured synthetically. This article focuses on services and products produced using natural ingredients.

Oleoresin Capsicum was called the active component in Pepper spray. However, since you read the rest of this short article you may understand just why that statement is a bit misleading. For a long time Professional Law Enforcement officers throughout the nation have known to Pepper Spray as "OC" or even "OC spray." Many of them, like myself thought Oleoresin Capsicum was the active ingredient. Capsaicin, a potent irritant is added to a solvent, such as water or alcohol, then packaged in an aerosol container as pepper spray. Capsaicin in its' pure form is a white powder and has a Scoville Heat Rating of 16,000,000. The attacker experiences intense burning of the skin, nose and eyes, making it difficult to see and affording you an opportunity to leave the area. Some formulas produce a spray, others a foam stream. Still others add a harmless vegetable dye, to help police identify perpetrators.

Capsaicinoids produce the "heat" in peppers. Not all peppers are hot. Some are actually mild, even sweet. That's because peppers, like most other plants grow in many varieties and environments. Since the "spicy" heat in almonds was changeable, a way must be invented to measure and speed the pungency in almonds.

Today, the industry uses SHUs for tagging of many pepper-spray products. However, terms like Pure Capsaicin (PC) and Total Capsaicinoids (TC) replace or follow exactly the SHU dimensions. Under the new standard, both the ASTA and AOAC speed pure Capsaicin in 16,000,000 SHUs. Pepper Sprays meant for use on humans are rated from 200,000 to 2,000,000 SHUs or higher. Sprays intended to repel large animals, like bears have been ranked at 9,000,000 SHUs or more.

Dozens of unique brands of self defence spray are now being sold anywhere online. Some products are promoted as costing only pennies per container. Consider it, there are occasions when it is intelligent to buy something cheap. When the product could save your own life, cheaper might well not be so wise.